Thursday, May 6, 2010

All Hail Lord Malignance

I have been fasting for many days trying to attain that perfect enlightenment that allows the thoughts of the Lord Malignance to enslave me to his perfect will.

One afternoon about the fourth day without food and only a little water I saw him come to me in a beam of sunlight. The light entered my head and I could see him controlling everything in the world like some giant puppetmaster and I fell to the floor and fell asleep. I dreamed then that the Lord Malignance revealed all his mighty plans to me and that the whole world would some day come to worship him as I do.

When the Lord Malignance comes to enslave the world many all will be punished but his loyal followers will only be punished a little bit or a lot or not at all.

I'm eating again now and the dreams no longer come but I know the Lord Malignance is watching me.

First Prophet of Malignism,
Brick Xemu

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Commandments of Malignism

1) There is only one Lord and his name is Malignance

2) As Lord Malignance is the One True Way and all must crouch in his presence.


Unholy Sacrements

These are the tenants of our faith;

The Most High Lord Malignance came to us from beyond, to lead all humanity to a more ordered future. Lord Malignance saw fit on April 1st 1979 to destroy the great good by throwing him into a Three Mile Island tower where the good was obliterated into millions of pieces.

So persistant was the goodness however that the little pieces retained sentience and came to rest inside the bodies of people throughout the world. These fragments of goodness that inhabit the bodies of innocent humans are known as "Soul Deltans" and Lord Malignance is the One True Way to cleanse yourself of these impurities.

More as it is refined and improved as the Great Truth of Malignism is revealed.

First Prophet of Malignism
Brick Xemu

The First Church of Lord Malignance

Welcome to the First Church of Lord Malignance.

This church will be a work in progress and YOU will be here to see the foundation being built. The religion will be known as "Malignism" and followers will be known as "Malignists". I will take the role as First Prophet of Malignism and my title will be "First Phrophet of Malignism Brick Xemu".

There will be principles and rules as all religions must have. The rules will be called "The Commandments of Malignism" and the principles will be called "the Unholy Sacraments".

First Prophet of Malignism
Brick Xemu